Your local, renewable energy marketplace

This is the Distro Marketplace—a hub where participants automatically trade energy up to 48 hours in advance, ensuring you the most favorable deals and most efficient use of the grid.

Your gateway to energy trading

Distro's marketplace dynamically connects renewable energy producers with power consumers. AI agents place bids and asks on the marketplace that are based on your power forecast. Our platform then uses advanced algorithms to facilitate the best possible deals, matching bids and asks efficiently. The result? A trade is made whenever there's a perfect match, all smoothly automated by AI. This ensures everyone receives the most favorable deals and uses the grid most effectively.

Automated trading for precision and speed

Experience the ease of automated trading with your AI agent, working tirelessly on your behalf. Whether it's for the upcoming trading cycle or any point within the 48 hour trading window, your agent expertly navigates the market. Utilizing high-frequency trading algorithms, it continuously adapts to fulfill your energy requirements within defined time frames.